Thursday 4 February 2021

(Understanding) Amercian idiotry

I voted for Mr Bush because Mr Kerry cannot be trusted. He has no moral values and I need a leader that stands by his actions and does not run when it gets tough.

The world does not understand us here in America. I’m highly educated, married person that owns guns, hunts, and is against gay marriage.

I live and grew up in Massachusetts.

P. Burke
Swampscott, MA


Burke is wrong, we do understand people in America,
it’s not so hard
but we do hope, they vote for Barack Hussein Obama,
he’s quite normal, that ‘elitist’

he could close down the barracks
as US did for the other Hussein


Quote above, from Novitas nr 7 årg 6, år 2004 s. 1, i Götheborske spionen, nr 7 nov 2004, s. 22.

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